Author’s Recognition Award

Church Cove

I am not yet a published author of books. I hope to be. When this award nomination cropped up, courtesy of Sheree of the blog View From the Back, I thought, why not. It would push me to write about this project I have been working on for the last five years. What masterpiece has she been writing for that many years, you might cackle. And really, I could not take offence — this routine of writing and re-writing is a scourge. I have not known when to stop, somewhat like a dervish who abandons himself to his rhythm of whirling and looks for all the world as if he might never stop, then drop like a consumed fly at some point . More about the project in a few ticks, but to begin with, do hop over to Sheree’s blog for a peek into the world of an avid cyclist with a cracking sense of humour.

About the Creator of the Award

Beverley at Becoming the Oil and the Wine Blog. I popped over to her blog and found that she has a compelling story to tell. Her idea behind creating this award was to support fellow bloggers who have written and published books or who are in the process of writing a book. You are free to write as much as you’d like about your book and/or the reasons why you decided to write one.

About my Book

As I mentioned already, I am in the throes of seeking an agent — and simultaneously in the process of writing the proposal for the book. Nobody told me that writing the book would be the easier bit.

The book is about my dippy-dotty travels through Cornwall (in the UK), complete with hand-drawn sketches that are as imperfect as I am as a person. Featured as a logo for this post, is one of the sketches from the book featuring the village of Church Cove in the Lizard Peninsula. I wish I could tell you that this is the one book you need to own when it comes out, but that would be an utter untruth. I would however appreciate it immensely if you did. And that is as much as I can bring myself to talk about my labour of love.

Nominees for the Award

If you have recently published a book or are thinking of writing one, please consider yourself nominated and tell us all about your work. Meanwhile I’d like to nominate the following bloggers:

Virginia Duran

Sarah Angleton

Annie Earnshaw

Stefania Hartley

Award Rules

1. Create a new post on your blog using the above logo or create one of your own.

2. Copy and paste the Purpose of the Award and The Rules of the Award on your post.

3. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.

4. Include the links to the creator of the Award and the inspirational post: Celebrating and Supporting our fellow writers.

5. Write a brief description of the books you have written or the book you are currently writing.

6. Include a link to your published books or the potential date of publishing.

7. Nominate at least five bloggers who have published a book or who are thinking about writing a book.

8. Support at least one of the bloggers you have nominated by either purchasing one of their books or sharing the links to their books.

9. If a nominee has not written a book share one of their blog posts.

And that’s that folks! Have a great weekend. Ours has started with a steady rain and the promise of a tropical storm.