
I am back after more than a month and why, oh why, do I feel like a truant? Friday evening has arrived with smoky blue skies and a kingdom of clouds, so I am feeling it. The frothy state of mind that accompanies weekends. You know, cracking open a bottle of red to dissipate the chill of autumnal evenings walks, followed up with plenty of cheese, pasta al pomodoro, grilled veggies…

Let’s see what have I been upto during my absence here. Mostly I have been working on my writing, without distractions (phone and social media).

But I am a creature of sensory pleasures, so there have been sessions of baking upside-down cakes incorporating the flavours of the season. I have been scoffing a wedge a day.

Meanwhile, the beauty of autumn has me bewitched. The colours have peaked and faded, the leaves are gathered in huge piles everywhere, and the sun has been flaming out every evening over the bay with precision. It is like being part of nature’s gallery of astonishments. To keep up with my beloved workouts, I am notching miles on a Peloton bike. Paired with my evening walks, these gruelling sessions make me sleep like a log (not that I could ever complain about the lack of it, which goes to say that I am loving the extra hour of sleep everyday).

What are long, dark evenings tailor-made for? Devouring books. I have stumbled upon the delicious writing of Marlena de Blasi. Her artistry with words has woven magic into my evenings.

There has been a splash of travelling too. We took off to Boston for my birthday earlier in the month and traipsed around in freezing climes. Found that it did not match upto the images of it I had conjured up in my mind . Yet what a wonderful time I had with my love, examining its old graveyards, pottering around its posh neighbourhoods with their pretty bakeries and antique shops, tasting bread at a celebrity chef’s restaurant that made me shut my eyes and will myself to remember its divine flavours for a long, long time. Oddly enough, I thought I saw a man butt-naked from the waist down, running along with a troop of people dressed up in costumes. I am glad I did not choke on the calamari I was in the process of gobbling down.

On Monday, we travel to Seattle for Thanksgiving with the sister-in-law’s family. The excitement begins now — I love the countdown to a holiday — and continues into the next week. Here’s to cooking, baking, thanksgiving, and some loving with the family.

Now, it’s your turn to fill my ears with your life events, and fill your senses with a few suggestions of autumn’s resplendence.

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Published by

Arundhati Basu

The great affair in my life is to travel. I count myself immensely fortunate that my partner shares this passion. We are a team that likes to spend time planning and plotting out places to go. Destination check, flights check, accommodation check, cheesy grins check. Off we go.

47 thoughts on “Namaste

    1. Hey you, thanks! I am so looking forward to baking with the nephew and niece.

      I saw your message on fb just yesterday. I am looking forward to catching up in person with you. 🙂 Have a fab weekend, Sheree. xx


  1. Glad to hear you’ve been reading, writing, baking and just generally having a good time. That’s what autumnal days are for – nesting. I’ve just googled Marlena de Blasi – love the sound of her books, particularly the Venice one. Keep enjoying.


    1. Hi Tracey! Missed you and your blog. I shall be over at yours soon. But thanks for dropping by. De Blasi is a treat. I finished her book, A Thousand Days in Tuscany, and it made me cry, this wonderful wordsmith. One for langorous reading.

      Hope you have been well. xx


      1. There is nothing more delightful than a countdown to a holiday. Bated breath all the way. 🙂 xx


  2. How bizarre! I commented on your post yesterday as soon as it popped into my in-box and there’s no sign of it. More WP gremlins. Welcome back, you’ve been sorely missed. As always, wonderful prose illuminated by fantastic photos.


    1. It is bizarre. This WP filter clearly has some way to go. I am sorry about it! How to banish these gremlins, I wonder. I have missed our chats and popping by your blog. I shall be over shortly. Thank you, Sheree. xx


      1. Yes thanks. After summer adventures in the low countries, settled down in autumn to ferrying and watching daughter in panto – oh, and one wet weekend on the Gower for S’s birthday!


      2. I would take any kind of weekend in the Gower, but it must have been soggy and cold. Belated birthday wishes for S!


      3. Also, summer in the low countries sounds perfect! Belgium is one of my favourites.


  3. I can’t picture quite where your slot in the world is? (despite the photos 🙂 ) On the same coast as Seattle? Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, anyway, and then back to more cosy evenings. 🙂


    1. New Jersey, Jo. East Coast. Looking forward to Seattle despite the long 6-hour flight. You have a great week ahead, Jo, and thanks for your lovely wishes. ❤xx


  4. Welcome back! We missed you and your wonderful blogposts! I can see that you are doing well and enjoying the fall season. Have a great Thanksgiving – Neek


    1. A wonderful Thanksgiving to you too Neek. I have missed you too! I hope the table is ready to be laden with goodies. 🙂 xx


  5. Welcome back ma’amji. it’s true that when one comes from (or lives in) the South, the magic of Autumn is… unbeknownst? 🙂
    I don’t miss the winter it announces, but here in Mexico I miss the colours of “Fall” as “Murikans” say. And the the meaning of seasons it conveys. No spring, no fall, no winter. An eternal summer, where Time is frozen. February is the month when I most ask myself: “When are we?”.
    Enjoy fall and winter. They’re for reading books.


    1. Thank ye Brianji. Some would take an eternal summer. 🙂 I am partial to the change of seasons and a big fan of autumn and winter. So sending warm vibes even if it be to the land of eternal warmth. 🙂


      1. Thank you. Though in Mexico city, since the altitude is high (7,300 ft), November to January can be a bit chilly. 2-3ºC in the morning at worst. I do like the change of seasons, but the winter light (or lack thereof) kills me. 🙂
        Warm vibes back.


      2. That is chilly enough for doses of hot chocolate. 🙂 Have a great week Brianji!


  6. It’s good to have you back. I’m glad to hear that you’ve been nurturing yourself (time to write & books, couldn’t think of anything better). Lovely Autumn pictures too.
    Sending you lots of love from London.


  7. I’m glad you are keeping well. Your photos are beautiful. While I really enjoy living in Vancouver, I miss the beautiful falls in the East when I lived in Quebec and Ontario. Have a lovely Thanksgiving!


    1. Thank you, Caroline! We did have a fun Thanksgiving with the family – and Vancouver is so chock-full of natural beauty that it makes up for anything really. 🙂 Hope you are having a good season as well. xx


  8. Awesome shots, A! I love them all. Ah it’s good that you’re able to regularly do your workouts. I haven’t worked out (no tennis, no piloxing or anything) for a month (maybe more) now and my hubby was already telling that it’s beginning to show. O.M.G. I have been reading books myself, hahah but ref books on WWI and some biographies. Nice to be reading your blog again, too. 🙂


    1. Thank you sweetie! It is so good to hear from you. How have you been? Popping over to your blog to peep in and see what’ve you been posting. I love me some good war-time reading too.

      There’s a time for everything. Intense working out — and then, some relaxation. The body needs time off too. You are a slender beauty (reminder for the husband;)). Enjoy this time of the year. P.S.: Piloxing sounds intense! xx


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