Snippets From Wears Valley

The road below the cabin dipped alarmingly. So sudden was this drop that it felt like rolling down a playground slide in tar. This road then led us on a serpentine drive up and down the mountains, past burnt-out trees, skeletal and stripped enough that it was a surprise they were standing at all. Half-built cabins too. A reminder that all it takes is a wildfire for every effort of man to be laid to waste (but here we are, creatures of toil and industry). The green was so very green, the hills with their stubbles of bluish-green startling, the sky thick with batches of clouds who could not make up their mind if they wanted to stay or go. Some settled atop the peaks to catch a breath before they dissolved into tears. The fancy of the clouds. In the Smoky Mountains, you will find that there is no guarantee. The rain clouds, they gather upon your heads in a jiffy. Before you think of the shortest swear, they let loose, and when they do, you’d better find a roof of some sort.

Before I get ahead of myself, we found ourselves in Wears Valley that runs parallel to the Smoky Mountains. Once a theater of squabbles between the Cherokee tribes and the first European settlers, and named for a Revolutionary War veteran, Samuel Wear.

It was an idyllic place. Isolated farms composed of old log houses and barns and sheds, mom-and-pop groceries with old biddies behind the till pointing out to basic tuck shops for tasty sandwiches and local fare, modest chapels and churches, mountain stores where they sell local concoctions of jams and jellies. Just an outpost of the old Appalachian culture with autumnal hoards of pumpkins and squashes as harbingers of this ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’ that is finally upon us.











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Published by

Arundhati Basu

The great affair in my life is to travel. I count myself immensely fortunate that my partner shares this passion. We are a team that likes to spend time planning and plotting out places to go. Destination check, flights check, accommodation check, cheesy grins check. Off we go.

47 thoughts on “Snippets From Wears Valley

  1. This isn’t a part of the States that I’ve ever thought about visiting until now but, because of your gorgeous pictures and prose, I may have to revise my view.


    1. It is eye-opening for me — these explorations of the American mountains, Sheree. They certainly don’t lack for drama 🙂 Thanks! xx


    1. Aren’t they just! Thank you Neek 🙂 It is raining so at my end that it seems that the heavens have stored a lifetime of tears! Hope it is better at yours. xx


      1. The rain sounds delightful! Our temps today were at 90+Fahrenheit. Dry as a bone. Hopefully we will experience some rain next week. 🙂 Hope you are having a nice cup of tea!


      2. Well I will take dry. I would swap – except for this that the weather has turned and it is chilly in the mornings. Even now, the cold breeze streaming in through the open windows is making my knees knock. But it feels wonderful somehow. I shall transition from my morning coffee to tea soon! 🙂 Here’s to a happy hump day. xx


    1. It was definitely the first beauties of the season for me 🙂 Thanks, it was a memorable drive. Hope you have been well.


      1. Fresh beginnings at the start of the new season…your plate should be full. Is it a move you are happy with? X


      2. Definitely fresh beginnings. Lol. I really am happy with the move. Not too far from where we were but in an area that’s just a bit more child-friendly.


    1. They look so ready for the taking 🙂 I am thinking I shall try out a dish I have grown up eating, this time. A curry of pumpkins and veggies with a Bengali spice called panchphoron. What are your favourite ways to cook pumpkin? xx


      1. Oh yum. I love s good pumpkin curry and I have that spice too. Delicious.
        I’m such a fan of pumpkin. Love it anyway, salads, roasted, soups or curry. So versatile. Have a great day lovely 😘


      2. Well we have the Football Grand Final on today. Saw a comedy show for the Melbourne Fringe Festival and heading off to see an exhibition for Nelson Mandela at the museum too. A busy one at that! Any plans at your end? Xx


      3. That sounds amazing and full of fun things to do. This season does have such a festive kick to it. The promise of winter and cosy days. Since it is a lovely day, we are heading to the city. The plan is to walk around and do some noshing. 🙂 xx


    1. I might be a bit biased, but the American horses are less curious (and friendly) than the ones across the pond. xx


    1. Thank ye! You have seen it with your own eyes so you would know what I am on about. We were travelling light, so if you will imagine me walking into security at the airport with a massive pumpkin cradled in my arms. Did I or not, that’s the question? Now only if my husband were as crazy as yours truly!


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